We're getting married! Mars 2021
Datum: Saturday, Mars 6, from 10 am to 2 pm
Plats: Zoom

A marriage preparation course for couples that plan a Catholic wedding
If the pandemic situation has not changed, the course will take place on Zoom. We change the time to 10 am to 2 pm (not as stated on the poster).
The course includes topics and areas like:
• a catholic view of mankind and marriage
• building a strong and sound relationship for life
• understanding matrimony as a sacrament
• the importance of communication between spouses
• Catholic family values and family life: challenges and opportunities
To print out the poster, press here!
Apply no later than February 25 here below (individually) and pay a fee of SEK 100 per applicant to KPN:s Swedish BankGiro account 119-2053. Please state ”Marriage course 2021”