Marriage preparation for couples planning to marry in the Catholic Church

För vigselförberedande kurser, kontakta Familjepastorala teamet HÄR

When planning a wedding in the Catholic Church, you should contact a Catholic parish close to where you live. The adresses of all Catholic parishes in Sweden can be found on Do contact the parish before booking the celebration and other arrangements for the wedding. The different preparation procedures in the Church take time and you need to ensure that there is a priest or deacon available on the desired day. 

Information booklet
This booklet provides information on how the Catholic Church looks at marriage an answers many practical questions about how to proceed if you are planning a Catholic wedding.

Booklet in Swedish  Vi ska gifta oss

Booklet in Arabic Häfte på Arabiska 

Marriage preparation course 

In the 3 videos below (each film is about 20 minutes long) you see a presentation about what love is, about vocation and about the sacrament of marriage in the Catholic Church. Each films has questions for you and your partner do discuss and share. 


To receive your certificate, fill in these worksheets. Download the Worksheets here.

Arbetsblad på svenska 

Marriage ceremony

A good overview of the ceremony in the church can be found here.

Leaders guide

For a priest or deacon or anyone leading a group of couples planning to marry, a leader's guide can be found here.



If you as a couple would like to get a certificate showing you have seen the videos and filled in the working sheets, you can proceed as follows:

- look at the 3 videos together (Sycamore part 10, Sycamore part 17 and Nikodemusmöten, each film is about 20 minutes long) and write down your answers to the questions in the film

- fill in the working sheets above

- send your answers and the working sheets to [email protected] (your answers will be be sent to the Diocesan Family Ministry, Lisa and Magnus Wetterberg).

- pay a fee of 100 SEK to KPNs Swedish BankGiro account 119-2053. Please state "Marriage preparation certificate"

- don't forget to write the two names that should be written on the certificate!

Gods blessings to your future marriage!

Sycamore, del 10 - Vad kärlek är
Sycamore, del 17 - De kristna kallelserna
Nikodemusmöten - 7 ÄKTENSKAPET